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What to Expect in Group Counseling for Addiction Treatment

What to Expect in Group Counseling, Group Therapy in Addiction Treatment

Drug and alcohol addiction treatment comes in a variety of forms. Numerous strategies can work together to create a safety net to support a person with a substance use disorder (SUD). One of those strategies is group counseling.

Group therapy often brings up images of people sitting in a circle pouring their hearts out. And while that could be a component of it, it is not as intimidating or complex as you may expect. In fact, many people find that group therapy helps them feel connected after years of feeling very alone in their addiction.

What Is Group Therapy in Addiction Treatment?

Group therapy in addiction treatment supports people by having them work with others who share the addiction experience. The goals of group therapy are significant and can include building interpersonal skills, learning recovery strategies, practicing real-world stress management, building a stronger social support network, and reinforcing an understanding of what addiction is.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, group therapy includes individual theoretical approaches that are applied in a group treatment environment. In reality, group therapy is one of the most common and effective components of SUD treatment.

What Are the Benefits of Group Therapy?

Group therapy presents numerous benefits to those who participate in it fully. That includes the following:

It creates a safe place to be vulnerable

Many people with addiction are unwilling to let down their guard, often because they have been hurt too often. In group therapy, these people really do get you. They can say “I understand” and mean it.

When you open up, you get support and guidance. When others open up, you can learn from them, noting that you are not alone in this battle. You also are able to see the value of changing your thought patterns and applying the skills you learn into your day-to-day life. It worked for others, so perhaps it could make a difference in your life, too.

Community support is invaluable

Group therapy also provides an opportunity for you to get the community support you need.

  • You may naturally bond with those within the group.
  • You can grow closer to people who have similar experiences in a way that is much harder to do with family and friends.
  • The development of a strong support network can carry on well after you leave addiction treatment.

In many situations, the best supporters of a person in recovery are the people who went through it with you.

What Does Group Therapy Look Like?

Group counseling can be a bit different from one location to the next. When you visit a drug and alcohol addiction treatment center, like ours in Chester, VA, you will find that group therapy is a welcoming, supportive environment. Here are a few things you can expect:

  • A professional facilitates the group. You are not left on your own.
  • Group therapy can be done in person or through virtual methods in some situations.
  • Most often, you are in a group of 5 to 10 people or fewer.
  • Groups meet throughout the day, often more than one time a day, during inpatient drug and alcohol treatment.
  • Most sessions are about an hour or a bit longer.
  • You are not put on the spot or forced to share what you do not want to share.

In addition to these factors, group therapy also incorporates tools and skill-building. Depending on the type of group, you may engage in:

  • Life skill development and education
  • Education about addiction and disease management
  • Relapse prevention skills
  • Development of coping skills
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy support
  • Self-care
  • Stress management
  • Communication improvement

There are many ways group therapy helps to support addiction recovery. While it is not the only component of your addiction recovery process, it is likely to be a part of your ongoing treatment for SUD. For many, it is a very positive experience.

Learn What Changes Therapy Can Bring by Contacting Us

At Iron Bridge Recovery Center, we are ready to help you. Group therapy is one component of our care and may be used alongside other strategies to support your needs. Contact us at any time to learn more about how group therapy and other aspects of addiction treatment can help you.

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