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7 Signs It’s Time to Return to Rehab

Signs of relapse, Relapse triggers, Relapse prevention,

Should you go back to drug and alcohol addiction rehab? Recognizing that you need help is one of the most powerful tools you have against substance use disorder. 

A large percentage of people relapse. That doesn’t mean addiction treatment failed; it means you may need to change your treatment plan. For example, you may need help for a mental health disorder like depression or anxiety, or you may need help coping with chronic stress. When you recognize that life has become too complex for you to manage in a healthy way, it’s time to go back to rehab.

Common Signs You Need to Go Back to Rehab for Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Every person’s signs of impending relapse differ. What’s most important is recognizing your own feelings, thoughts, and actions so that you can see a pattern that indicates your need for help.

The following are some of the most common signs of relapse risk.

#1: Cravings

Cravings indicate that the brain and body want that substance again. Your brain is wired to seek out substances, actions, and other experiences that feel good. It recognizes the high or relaxed feeling associated with the substances you were using as a “good” thing. When times get tough, your brain may revert to cravings again. If you’re experiencing cravings, it’s critical to get help immediately.

#2: Thinking positively about your past use

You may remember hanging out with friends, using your favorite substance. You may get nostalgic about meeting friends at the bar. When your past drug or substance use starts to seem like a good memory, you may need to return to treatment.

#3: Using substances again

The only way to protect your health and future is to avoid the use of substances your brain is dependent on. If you start using these substances again, that means your brain needs help breaking that dependence.

#4: Using more painkillers than you should

One of the precursors to opioid addiction is the misuse of prescription opioid medications. A person with any type of substance use disorder is at high risk for other substance disorders. If you’ve recently been prescribed pain medications, this could put you at risk for relapse. Pay close attention to these risks and speak to your doctor about non-habit-forming treatments instead.

#5: Intense stress

The onset of stress can trigger the desire to use substances again. Your brain correlates the use of substances as a way to improve mood and “fix” bad feelings and thoughts. And even though you know better, it’s very hard to manage stress and cravings at the same time. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, reach out for help. 

#6: Overconfidence 

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of leaving rehab knowing you can take on the world again.  Yet overconfidence can lead to relapse. Don’t put yourself in a position where you are struggling to meet your own high standards. If you find yourself failing or struggling with responsibilities, relationships, or negative thoughts, reach out for immediate help.

#7: Risky behavior

Those who engage in high-risk behavior may be more likely to use substances again as a way to challenge themselves or get that “high” feeling. If you’re engaging in risky behavior, seek out help for addiction treatment and support from your therapist to uncover why you are doing so. You may have unsettled emotions or conflicts that need to be addressed.

Do Not Wait or Wonder: Get Into Treatment Fast

Any person who is thinking about using substances after having been through drug and alcohol addiction treatment may need additional help. Your body and brain could be telling you it’s time to get additional support. Turn to Iron Bridge Recovery Center for the support you need. Learn what treatment options are available to you today to help you move forward. Contact us now.

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