Spring is the perfect time to rejuvenate your life and your health. It provides the ideal time to start thinking, planning, and executing a plan for your future. For a person navigating the world of drug or alcohol addiction, staying motivated and working hard on your future is not easy to do. This spring, find a few simple ways to make a few changes that could improve your outlook for the rest of the year.
#1: Declutter Your Mind
Spring cleaning can start in your mind. During treatment, you learned that your thought processes often impact your outlook and behaviors. If you engage in negative thoughts, especially those that are unfounded, you can expect your behaviors to follow that negative train of thought.
For example, in cognitive behavioral therapy, you learn the importance of recognizing how your thoughts impact your actions and, instead of that playing out, how to transform those negative feelings into positives.
Now that it’s spring, consider all of those bottled-up negative thoughts and frustrations you have been dragging around for the last year. Work through some of those thoughts with your counselor and begin to develop more positive outlooks.
#2: Get Moving
Exercise is an excellent tool for physical health, but it’s also outstanding for mental health. When you exercise, you support your brain’s ability to turn off stress hormones (that’s why a good workout feels so energizing).
This spring, make it a point to get moving. It could be going for walks each day. It may be finding a way to swim, bike, or do any other physical activity that you find beneficial to your future. No matter what type of exercise you do, one thing is for certain – you’ll motivate your mind by reducing your stress levels.
#3: Create a New Morning Routine
Do you do the same thing every single morning? Chances are good that you have a routine you follow so you can get to work on time or get the kids to school. What if you changed up that routine a bit to add a bit more focus on your own benefits and needs? Consider a few simple changes to your morning routine that could influence good mental health all day long:
- Spend 10 minutes meditating before you leave your room for the day. Sit in a quiet space and simply be present with your thoughts.
- Jump in the shower with some music on. It may be the last thing you think about in the morning, but sending a positive, motivating song will help you motivate and enlighten your soul for the day.
- Eat a healthy breakfast. Even if it’s a quick meal, getting protein and whole grains into your breakfast each morning can help you to have the energy you need to get through the day.
What activities can you add to your morning routine to support your recovery? For example, you may wish to journal for a few minutes each morning or do some yoga. Find a way to connect with yourself and do something positive for yourself each day.
#4: Set Intentional Goals This Spring
This spring, make some intentional goals, those that truly matter to your long-term health and well-being. Goals can be anything important to you at this point in your life. Focus on positive goals, such as building relationships or spending more time with your children. Whatever makes you happy, outline those goals.
Then, create actionable steps to achieve them. For example, if you want to spend more time with your child, carve out time in your schedule for this. If you want to improve your relationships with friends, make it a goal to contact at least one friend you have not spoken to in some time every week.
#5: Put the Time Into Reconnecting with Your Team
Drug and alcohol addiction is an ongoing challenge, one that can provide you with a wealth of opportunity if you keep up the fight. Even if you feel great right now about where you are, allow spring’s energy and sense of renewal to help you get back to the basics. Meet with your therapist for a refresher. Talk about new opportunities and ideas.
You can also step back into your treatment center. This time, you may be able to volunteer or find a way to give back through other groups.
Spring Is the Ideal Time to Heal
At Iron Bridge Recovery Center in Chester, Virginia, there is never a wrong time to get motivated. This spring, make the focus on you, your health, and your well-being. When it’s time to heal and work on your recovery, let us help you get to where you want to be. Perhaps your motivation is as simple as reaching out for help today to discuss your future. We are here for you.